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When choosing to work with the birth and more team we can support you in a variety of different ways.

how can we support you?


birth support.

A birth doula is someone who provides informational, emotional, and physical support to expecting women and their partners throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and the immediate period after birth. Throughout your pregnancy, I support you by providing information on different options to discuss with your care provider and helping sort through emotions of pregnancy and any news you may receive. I  keep you focused and as comfortable as possible during labor and delivery, assist with newborn questions, and provide breastfeeding support.

Our team is proudly welcomed into the following facilities

  • Troy/Royal Oak Beaumont and Karmanos Natural Birthing Center (KNBC)

  • Southfield Providence and Alternative Birthing Center (ABC)

  • Henry Ford West Bloomfield and Henry Ford Macomb

postpartum support.

A Postpartum Doula is someone who is there to help you with the transition home after having a baby. we can teach you basic newborn care, help you with basic household cleaning, allow you to shower or nap,  and also help with light meal prep. 

Each day, your needs will be different. we come in, quickly assess what you need help with that day, and get to it! 

our team is even available for overnights! Need a full night's sleep to catch up? we will room-share with your baby, give the baby a bottle/bring the baby to you to nurse, change diapers as needed, and do the nightly soothing routines so you can get the rest you NEED!

lets face it

whether you are a first time mom or have the EXPERIENCE there will be an adjustment period and you do not have to try to figure it out alone. we are here to support you.